Story Behind the Art Print: Circuit Board

Aerial Abstract Art Print Australia
Aerial Abstract Art Print Australia

About the photographer:

Paul Hoelen is currently based in the beautiful, wild island of Tasmania. Self taught, travel hungry and with a healthy thirst for adventure you’re hard pressed to catch him sitting on a couch, more likely planning his next expedition or adventure.

Paul is a Master of Photography in the AIPP and Fellow of the NZIPP, current and two times Overseas Photographer of the Year in NZ, two time Tasmanian AIPP Professional Photographer of the Year and three time Tasmanian AIPP Landscape Photographer of the Year.

He judges photographic competitions regularly at a state, national and international level, runs photo workshops, writes photography articles for numerous magazines and exhibits regularly in both Australian and the USA.

Story Behind the Art Print: Circuit Board

Paul Hoelen’s Art Print Circuit Board

From the photographer:

It was super difficult and took many months to find anyone to fly me around the remote areas of Death Valley in the United States. I’d been dreaming for years about this region as an aerial photography destination, but most of the surrounding area is a no fly military exclusion zone as well as being notorious for horrendous flying conditions from the desert heat and thermal activity. After months of enquiries I finally found someone willing to take me up!

This print was captured deep out in a salt lake in Central California. I’m not exactly sure what processes were involved in creating these structures and patterns, bit it’s almost uncanny how a process using organic materials has created something with such an inorganic feel. Laid out before me I saw an almost futuristic Tron-like world that spoke of electronic circuit boards laid out below.

This art print is limited to 20 editions.